Season Four

Episode 12

Daniel Grothe

17th January 2022

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Author and Pastor, Daniel’s latest book, The Power of Place, explores the modern application of the monastic vow of stability. ‘Saints are made somewhere’. In this episode, we chat about how we can discover the place where God wants to plant us, and how we can dig down deep, root and flourish there.

Episode 11

Richard Roberts

30th December 2021

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Richard is a trustee of Ffald y Brenin Retreat Centre in Wales and author of the book, Cultivating the Presence of God. In this episode, we chat about the nature of New Monasticism, thin places, and developing a Rule of Life. https://ffald-y-brenin.org/product/cultivating-gods-presence/

Episode 10

Jill Weber – Annunciation Meditation

17th December 2021

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In this season of Advent, this month’s podcast is a biblical meditation on Luke 1:26-38. How might God want to birth holy things in and through us? Music by Richard Lyall.

Episode 9

Steve & Vicki Woods

8th October 2021

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Steve and Vicki are members of the OMS and live in Adelaide, Australia. In this podcast we chat about their history with the 24-7 Prayer movement, Steve’s work in international relief and development, and the local community they are cultivating through random acts of coffee.

Episode 8

Scotty Burns

15th September 2021

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Scotty Burns is a member of the OMS and a pastor in Portland, USA. In this episode we talk about his passion for mission, and how he integrates his life in the Order with his life in church leadership.

Episode 7

John Bowen

20th August 2021

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John Bowen worked in university ministry for 25 years and taught Evangelism at Wycliffe College in Toronto, Canada. He is a speaker and author, and has just released a book The Unfolding Gospel. In this episode we talk about the nature of the Gospel, its relationship to culture, and how we can in our current context take the Gospel to the nations.

Episode 6

Christian and Stefanie Wittwer

2nd August 2021

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Christian and Stefanie Wittwer  are members of the OMS living in Switzerland. In this episode we will discuss their experiments in community living, hospitality, and the upcoming New Monastic Round Table. and A300 , their training program for New Monastics.

Episode 5

Roger Nix

6th July 2021

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Roger Nix is a member of the OMS and pastor of Believers Community Church in Tulsa Oklahoma. In this extended podcast, we talk together about how leadership teams can become communities of discernment, who notice and respond to the presence and activity of Christ as He leads and builds His church.

Episode 4

Vicky & Brian Allen

5th June 2021

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Vicky and Brian Allen are OMS members living in Dunbar, Scotland. In this episode we chat together about hospitality, art, surfing, being faithful in the places we are planted, and how the OMS helps us to be the same ‘all the way through’, integrating our faith with all of life.

Episode 3

Jared Patrick Boyd

5th May 2021

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Jared is a pastor, spiritual director, and founder of the Order of the Common Life. In this conversation we talk about the Order he founded in the context of the Vineyard movement, the intersection of charismatic and contemplative streams, and spiritual formation for children. Jared is author of Imaginative Prayer: A Yearlong Guide to Your Child’s Spiritual Formation jaredpatrickboyd.com imaginativeprayer.com Twitter: @boydjared Instagram: @jaredpatrickboyd

Episode 2

Pete Ward

19th April 2021

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Pete is the Associate Convenor of the Order of the Mustard Seed. In this episode, we delve into the history of the 6 practices that shape our lives together, a history that is rooted in the early days of 24-7 Prayer and the Reading Boiler Room.

Episode 1

Katharine Hill

2nd March 2021

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OMS Member Katharine Hill is the National Director of Care for the Family in the UK. In this episode she talks about her mission to families and their flourishing, and also gives her top three tips for building resilience in children! Next month Katharine is releasing her next book A Mind of Their Own – Building Your Child’s Emotional Wellbeing in a Post Pandemic World.