This article contains answers to frequently asked questions about the OMS Season of Exploration.
The Season of Exploration is a time in which interested people begin to get familiar with the Order of the Mustard Seed – its background and focus – and to discern together whether to begin preparation to join the Order. Topics in this FAQ include:
- Season of Exploration process
- Resources to explore
- About podcasts
- Costs
- About the Order
- Other questions
Season of Exploration Process
Are there any prerequisites to beginning the Season of Exploration?
You will be asked to confirm the following:
- You are at least 18 years of age.
- You agree with the Nicene Creed
- You are not a Freemason, a member of a Masonic Lodge, or any other related group.
You must declare any other vows you have made. If so, this may require further discussion to confirm eligibility for the Order of the Mustard Seed, particularly if you have made vows in another order or religion.
What are the steps in the Season of Exploration?
As described on the Season of Exploration page, this season involves three steps.
- Register. Review and decide which of the Welcome Webinar dates you can attend. This will take you to an event page for that date where you can complete the sign up. Please note, it is important to do this step. This marks when you have officially registered your interest for the Season of Exploration. An email with a zoom link for the webinar will follow. Please make sure to check your “Junk” folder if you don’t receive it.
- Get informed. You may begin your reading at any time. In order to get a better understanding of the 24-7 Prayer Movement and what being a member of the Order of the Mustard Seed is about, you will read key 24-7 Prayer books, watch some 24-7 Prayer videos, listen to episodes from the OMS podcast, and pray.
- Discern. If you feel you are ready to continue on to the Season of Preparation to discern more deeply whether God is inviting you to join the Order, and you feel you can commit to the time required, complete the Application Form (coming Fall 2024). You will be invited to participate in a Discernment webinar where you will meet with an OMS member to discern together the call you are sensing.
You will also need to confirm the following:
- A clear sense of invitation from God to consider vows with the OMS.
- Enough time available between December and the following October (roughly), to complete the requirements of the Season of Preparation:
- Two hours per month to join a learning cohort meeting.
- Two hours per month to complete personal Bible study.
- Time to read the 5 ‘essential reading’ books – usually a book every 2 months.
- Appetite and capacity to learn the practices through experience:
- 15 minutes daily
- A monthly exercise of 30 minutes
- A monthly exercise of a half-day
- Openness to organise spiritual direction or accompaniment through this season.
- Willingness to organise a personal or virtual pilgrimage at some point during the season.
- Willingness to travel to a short in-person retreat at one point during the season.
- Willingness to find ongoing accountability after taking your vows.
How long is the Season of Exploration?
The Season of Exploration often takes at least three months to pray, complete the readings, and do the other activities. Some of this depends on your familiarity with 24-7 Prayer.
How long is the Season of Preparation?
The Season of Preparation usually lasts around nine months.
When does the Season of Preparation begin?
The Season of Preparation usually begins in December each year.
Resources to Explore
Which resources should I explore?
24-7 Prayer books. Read at least one of the following:
- Red Moon Rising: Rediscover the power of prayer. Pete Greig and Dave Roberts. (2015). Available in hardcopy, eBook, audio.
- Dirty Glory: Go where your best prayers take you. Pete Greig. (2016). Available in hardcopy, eBook, audio.
24-7 Prayer on YouTube. Watch all of the following:
- The Vision Poem
- Prayer Mission & Justice re-visited in an UN-successful Prayer Movement. Pete Portal – Vienna ‘23
- Waverley Abbey – Our story so far … and looking ahead – Pete Greig – Belfast ’22
- Key words from 5 Nations – Belfast ’22
- Recovering an Early Church Prayer Rhythm – Tyler Staton – Portland ’22
Podcasts. Listen to all of the following:
- Season One.
- Episode 01 (Pete Greig)
- Episode 10 (Phil Anderson & Andy Griffiths)
- Season Two. In particular, these episodes:
- Episode 01 (Pete Greig)
- Episode 11 (Catherine Askew)
- Episode 12 (Graham Tomlin)
- Season Three. In particular, these episodes:
- Episode 03 (Jill Weber)
- Episode 06 (Mark Scandrette)
- Episode 11 (Phil Anderson)
- Episode 12 (Joe Steinke, Jill Weber, Pete Greig)
- Information and Welcome webinar. When you submit your Initial Enquiry form, you will receive a link to the registration page to sign up for a required informational webinar about the Order.
- 24-7 Gathering. Optionally, you can attend a gathering in person or view an online recording.
When can I start reading the books?
You may begin to read the books and explore the resources at any time.
Are resources available in other languages?
Some of the required reading is available in multiple languages.
Are there online versions of the books?
Pete Greig’s books are available in eBook and audio format, and in several languages.
About Podcasts
Where can I find the OMS podcasts?
Podcasts are available on the OMS website at
Podcasts are available on iTunes, Spotify, and other podcast services.
What is a podcast and how do I listen to it?
A podcast is an audio program that you can download over the internet. Typically, a podcast is a “show” that has a series of episodes to listen to. Users download the episodes to listen on a personal device such as a desktop, tablet, or mobile device. Often, podcasts also offer supplemental information on a website related to the episode.
You can find podcasts on websites, on iTunes, on Spotify, on Google Play Music, and other services.
You can access OMS podcasts from the OMS website at
For more information about podcasts, see for example The Beginner’s Guide to Podcasts | WIRED.
Is there a cost to apply to the Order?
There is no cost for the Season of Exploration, but there is a cost for the Season of Preparation.
Is there a cost for the Season of Preparation?
Yes – for further details click here
Other preparation expenses include the cost of books, the cost of your ring (cost varies), and the cost of travel to a vow ceremony.
Is there a cost to be a member of the Order?
There is no cost to be a member of the Order, though we do encourage members to contribute to the work of the order – click here for more info.
We also provide an annual opportunity to donate to the Order for its ongoing operational expenses and special projects.
You also may donate at any time through the Donate button on the website.
About the Order
Please see
What is the doctrinal statement for the Order?
The Order is rooted in the Nicene Creed.
The OMS shares the wider objectives of the 24-7 Prayer movement, to revive the church and to re-wire the culture, through the mobilisation of prayer, mission, and justice.
Is the Order affiliated with a denomination?
The Order is an ecumenical, lay-led, dispersed community with membership in twenty countries.
The Order is formally acknowledged by the UK Anglican House of Bishops as a lay ecumenical religious order.
The Order is a stream within the wider 24-7 Prayer movement.
Other Questions
How can I get my questions answered?
Website. The OMS website offers a number of good articles about the Order. In particular, read the articles under the About tab.
Podcasts. The OMS podcast is an excellent source of information about the Order.
Webinars. During the summer and fall, the OMS offers a number of Information and Welcome webinars where you will get an introduction to the 24-7 Prayer Movement and the Order of the Mustard Seed. You will be able to ask questions and get answers. Once you complete your Enquiry Form, you will receive an email with a link to the webinar schedule where you can register.