Season of Preparation FAQ

This article contains answers to frequently asked questions about the OMS Season of Preparation. 


The Season of Preparation is a time in which interested people begin to get familiar with the Order of the Mustard Seed – its background and focus – and to discern together whether to begin preparation to join the order. Topics in this FAQ include:

  • Season of Preparation overview: Prerequisites, time requirements, steps, duration
  • Process questions
  • Vows, ring, tattoo
  • Resources
  • About the Order

Questions from the Welcome Webinar

The process of joining the Order in 2024 is being renovated and reset. After you have satisfied the self-service Season of Exploration requirements, the next step is to sign up for an OMS Welcome Webinar. Once the OMS Welcome Webinar is attended you will be invited to apply to the Season of Preparation.

The following common questions were asked during the OMS Welcome Webinar.

I submitted an application for the Season of Preparation last year. Can I re-use that application or will I have to submit a new form?

The application is being adjusted to be more helpful both for the application and for the discerning team. This means you will have to submit a new application for the upcoming Season of Preparation.

When will the applications for the Season of Preparation be opened up? How will we know?

The application usually goes live in August or September. Before we can open the applications, we are working on our end to gather and train discerners, work on logistics, recruit cohort leaders, and to pray.

Is it possible for the Season of Preparation to take more than one year?

Yes. You can take as long as needed. The Season of Preparation is a process of discernment, an ongoing dialogue with God and others to work out whether taking the OMS vows is the right step for you. The Season of Preparation is also a valuable time of formation that we wouldn’t want to rush.

The Season of Preparation cohorts are designed to work through the material about the three vows and six practices and life of the order. Some people may decide they are not prepared to take vows and want to wait for a future year. Some people may find they need to take longer and might join another cohort in the following year (assuming there’s enough capacity in the cohorts).

Is the requirement for having an OMS sponsor changing?

In the past, you had to have a sponsor to come alongside you during the Season of Preparation, to help you discern. We are trying a new model that depends on a discernment team at the gateway to the Season of Preparation, followed by the cohort leaders being your main point of contact and discussion during the season.

The Season of Exploration is now more self-directed – reading books, exploring resources and having conversations with other people in the order (if that’s possible). The more people in the order that you’re able to speak to, the better. Because we’ve had a larger number of interested people exploring the order, we feel it might be time to move away from the sponsorship network that we had before.

What is the discernment team process?

When you apply, you will be invited to an online small group meeting with a couple of members of the order who are specifically trained to discern with you about this calling to enter the Season of Preparation.

Whether this calling to join and take vows is for you. So, so everything will sort of focus in on that meeting, which will be obviously quite crucial as another gateway.

If you are married, do both married partners have to do the Season of Preparation in the same year. Do they have to take vows at the same time?

No. It is lovely if you do, and it’s useful to journey through the same formation process as each other, sharing together what life in the order might look like for you, but it is not required. Many couples complete this journey at different times. For some couples, only one person chooses to take vows. All these options are fine.

How will people get assigned to a small group discernment team meeting?

This process is still under development. It always depends on the team of discerners we will have for a given year.

There is a team that takes in the applications and does an initial review. You will be offered a series of times for the discernment team meeting. You will sign up for one of these.

The discernment team meeting will involve a conversation with two members of the OMS and up to six people who have applied. The two members are either trained spiritual directors or very experienced in welcoming people in and in discernment. In the meeting, there will be a series of questions and a conversation as we try and discern together.

Do I have to find my own discernment team?

No, we will match explorers with OMS members who are on the discernment team, and who understand the processes.   

Do you expect the Season of Preparation cohorts to be regional?

As far as possible, we try to make the cohorts regional. Ideally, we aim for people to be within a one-hour journey of each other, or at least within a one-hour time zone. This is not always possible; it just depends on the numbers of people on each region, and where candidates and cohort leaders live.

We hope that each cohort would be able to find a way to meet together in person at least once. That is great for bonding, though we realise it’s not always possible.

I already have a spiritual director who is not an OMS member – can they still be my spiritual director?


Are there retreats during a Season of Preparation?

Ideally, a cohort would organise a short retreat during the Season of Preparation, finding dates and times that would work for all – though it’s not always possible to run a retreat.

An OMS retreat is a good opportunity to come and see what the order is about, what the practices are, learning new approaches, be encouraged by like-minded people, though OMS retreats are often limited in capacity, and will prioritise members and candidates for spaces.

In the future, there might be broader OMS retreats organised for candidates during the Season of Preparation – there are no plans yet.

In the future, the OMS website will have a calendar of opportunities for retreats, pilgrimages (including virtual pilgrimages), virtual events. Keep watching that space.

The OMS newsletter describes opportunities to get together though this is only for members who have taken vows.

For people in the UK, there are also opportunities for retreats at Waverly Abbey which is the mother house for the order.

Season of Preparation Overview

Are there any prerequisites to beginning the Season of Preparation?

You will be asked to confirm the following:

You must affirm that you are able to commit the time required to complete the Season of Preparation (see time requirements)

What are the steps in the Season of Preparation?

As described on the Season of Preparation page, this season involves several steps.

  • Apply. Complete the Season of Preparation application form (Coming Soon) to register your interest in the Season of Preparation.
  • Discerning. After attending a Welcome Webinar and completing the application form, you will be invited to participate in a discernment meeting where you will meet with an OMS Team to discern together the call you are sensing. Members of the order will consider the application and decide about assigning you to a cohort and will communicate with you.
  • Cohorts. A cohort is a small group of people who are on the journey together for the season of preparation. Cohorts may be in person or online. Together, you will learn, practice, reflect, and pray. You will create a rule of life to support the vows. You will go on a pilgrimage
  • Discerning. About 2/3 of the way through the Season of Preparation, it will be time to discern if taking vows is the next step. This involves prayer and discussion with the Lord, together with a specific interview that will be held with your cohort leader.
  • Vows. In the September / October timeframe each year, those who are ready to take vows will join other candidates and members of the order in taking (or renewing) the vows of the order.

Time requirements

You must be able to commit to the time required for the Season of Preparation. Between December and the following October (roughly), you will need to do the following:

  • Two hours per month to join a learning cohort meeting.
  • Two hours per month to complete personal Bible study.
  • Appetite and capacity to learn the practices through experience:
    • 15 minutes daily
    • A weekly exercise of 30 minutes
    • A monthly exercise of a half-day
  • Openness to organise spiritual direction or accompaniment through this season.
  • Willingness to organise a personal or virtual pilgrimage at some point during the season.
  • Willingness to travel to a short in-person retreat at one point during the season.
  • Willingness to find ongoing accountability after taking your vows.

Are there deadlines for applications to the Season of Preparation?

Yes – all applications must be received by 31st October each year.

This allows the OMS team enough time to organise learning cohorts so that a first “hello” meeting can take place (ideally) in December.

How long is the Season of Preparation?

The Season of Preparation begins in the December / January timeframe each year, following application completions.

Cohorts ideally have their first meeting in December and then have regular monthly meetings between January and September or October, providing enough time to spend a month exploring each of the 3 vows, followed by a month each for the 6 practices too.

Vow ceremonies are usually in September, October and November, often at the same time as a 24-7 Prayer Gathering.

Is there a cost for the Season of Preparation? 

Yes – for further details click here

Other preparation expenses include the cost of books, the cost of your ring (cost varies), and the cost of travel to a vow ceremony. 

Is there a cost to be a member of the Order? 

There is no cost to be a member of the Order, though we do encourage members to contribute to the work of the order – click here for more info

We also provide an annual opportunity to donate to the Order for its ongoing operational expenses and special projects. 

You also may donate at any time through the Donate button on the website.  

Process questions

What is the decision process?

After you attend a Welcome Webinar, Discerners of the Order will meet with you online in a small group to discuss your application process and get a sense of who you are, your hopes, and what is leading you to consider the order. These members will discuss all applications with leadership in the order. Decisions might be:

  • Yes, we will assign you to a cohort.
  • Yes, but we do not have an opening for the upcoming season.
  • No, this does not seem like a good fit.
  • More information is needed.

The discernment team takes this responsibility seriously. Their decisions are final.

What if I don’t get into the Season of Preparation this year?

If for some reason, you are not accepted into a cohort, you can re-apply next year.

In the meantime, you may still study, pray, and get involved with local prayer streams and local and national 24-7 Prayer events.

What if I have to stop?

We understand that circumstances change. If you have to stop your involvement in a cohort, please discuss this with your cohort leader. We may allocate you to the next Season of Preparation (assuming that’s appropriate for you).

What if I don’t feel ready to take vows?

Vows are serious and should be entered soberly. Do not take vows if you do not feel ready. Do not feel pressured to do so.

You are not required to take vows at the conclusion of your cohort. You can choose to wait for a future vow ceremony to take vows if you feel ready at that time.

Vows, ring, tattoo

At the end of the Season of Preparation, if they are accepted, candidates may take their vows in a special service at a 24-7 Prayer Conference or regional vow ceremony.

The vows of the order are universal to its members. Living out these vows is specific to each member. As a member of the order, you will seek to follow a rule of life and encourage fellow members to do so.

After taking the vows, you may wear the OMS ring and/or wear a tattoo that reflects the vows. Details about the ring and the optional tattoo will be given during cohort meetings at the appropriate time.


Which resources will we use?

Cohorts learn together from the Bible, a handbook, a core set of books, and practical exercises. At present, the books we use include:

  • The OMS Guide.
  • Punk Monk. Andy Freeman and Pete Greig
  • The Vision and the Vow. Pete Greig
  • Sacred Rhythms. Ruth Haley Barton
  • The Lord of the Ring. Phil Anderson
  • And one of these
    • Restoring the Woven Cord. Michael Mitton
    • Following the Celtic Way. Ian Bradley
    • Even the Sparrow. Jill Weber  

The OMS Guide, Punk Monk, and the Vision and the Vow are available through, which is a print-to-order book distribution service.  Other resources may be necessary as part of your cohort journey.

Prayer watch

Candidates who are in the Season of Preparation are invited to, and encouraged, to participate in the Order’s Daily Watch prayer time on Mondays. These half-hour prayer times are excellent ways to get a sense of who is in the order and what is on the hearts of its members.

About the Order

Please see

What is the doctrinal statement for the order?

The Order is rooted in the Nicene Creed.

The OMS shares the wider objectives of the 24-7 Prayer movement, to revive the church and to re-wire the culture, through the mobilisation of prayer, mission, and justice.

Is the order affiliated with a denomination?

The Order of the Mustard Seed is a Religious Order within the 24-7 Prayer movement, acknowledged by the Anglican House of Bishops and Abbots. The Order is an ecumenical, lay-led, dispersed community of more than 700 members in at least twenty countries, inspired by the original Moravian Order of the Mustard Seed of the 18th Century.

Today’s OMS shares the wider objectives of the 24-7 prayer movement, to revive the church and to re-wire the culture, through the mobilisation of the six biblical practices of: prayer, creativity, justice, hospitality, mission, and learning.

Other Questions

How can I get my questions answered?

Cohort leader. If you are part of a cohort in the Season of Preparation, your first point of contact is your cohort leader who can answer questions or get answers for you.

Website. The OMS website offers a number of good articles about the order. In particular, read the articles under the About tab.

Podcasts. The OMS podcast is an excellent source of information about the Order.

Webinars. Annually from rom August to September, the OMS offers a number of Information and Welcome webinars where you will get an introduction to the 24-7 Prayer Movement and the Order of the Mustard Seed. You will be able to ask questions and get answers.